Find Windows 2003 product key
If you’re planning to install or even reinstall Windows 2003, then you’ll require your Windows 2003 product or serial key in order to ensure that you successfully install it. This serial key can be usually found on a sticker on your PC or on the manual that comes when you purchase Windows. However, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to install Windows but have lost the key. In that case you need not fear, as there are several solutions to getting the product key. Unlike the previous Microsoft Windows versions like Windows 1998 or 1995, you can manually locate the key as it is encrypted in the Windows registry instead of being readable.
The following steps can help you locate your key with the easiest way possible, and the time required to locating the key is usually around 15 minutes.
Here's How:
1. First and foremost, you should know the basic fact about finding lost keys that manually locating lost keys is impossible in the version of Windows. This is because of the fact that the entry of the serial key is encrypted in the Windows registry instead of being readable. Also the manual technique that used to work in the previous versions of Microsoft Window will only find the product ID number and not the serial number. To find the serial key you need to download a key finder tool and use it.
2. The next step is to choose a key finder tool that fits your requirements and supports you present operating system that is Windows Server 2003.
3. Then download your selected key finder program and run it. Follow the instructions given by the software very carefully.
4. You will find 25 digits displayed by the key finder tool once it locates your key. This 25 digit code represents your serial or product key and should be in five sets of five digits, consisting letters and numbers both.
5. Last but not the least, you should write down the displayed key precisely so as to not write even a single digit incorrectly. If even one character is copied incorrectly it will hinder the installation process. So make sure that you copy the code of Windows Server 2003 product key exactly as is displayed.
Lazesoft Windows Key Finder has everything that you may require and it offers solutions to all your problems. If you lost your product key and need to reinstall Windows or Microsoft Office, then our Lazesoft Windows Key Finder will find, copy to the clipboard, display and allow you to print out your Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 2012 or 7 product key and all versions of Microsoft Office product keys. It will allow you copy the recovered product keys to the clipboard, save it to a file and print it out for safe keeping. This freeware also offers several other additional features to make sure your key finding process is as uncomplicated as possible.
More information about Lazesoft Windows Key Finder

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